@TheGothicBarbie: RT @TheGothicBarbie: I've always done whatever I want and I've always been exactly who I am. I'm an unapologetic boss bitch building my empire out of the stones being thrown at me. Not many people can handle that. I'm not gonna be everyone's cup of tea, that's why I drink champagne. #model #gamergirl https://t.co/aJvj53tizk #Music

RT @TheGothicBarbie: I've always done whatever I want and I've always been exactly who I am. I'm an unapologetic boss bitch building my empire out of the stones being thrown at me. Not many people can handle that. I'm not gonna be everyone's cup of tea, that's why I drink champagne. #model #gamergirl https://t.co/aJvj53tizk TheGothicBarbie
